EIDOLON: Become Your Best Self

creating a tabletop RPG and actual-play podcast!

  • 307 members
  • 569 posts
  • $1,412/month

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Early Episodes!
 / month
Every little bit counts! We really appreciate any contribution you can make, even a dollar per month. At this tier, you'll have access to early episodes of both Eidolon POP and Eidolon ROCK!
Bonus Behind-the-Scenes Content!
 / month
At $3 per month, you'll get access to the same early episodes as the Supporter Tier, in addition to a monthly bonus podcast where Luke and Molly discuss the design of the game and changes they're making to it in response to the playtests. You'll also get access to Luke's GM notes from every episode that's already posted!
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Early Access to the Game!
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The Grab Bag
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EIDOLON: Become Your Best Self

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